03.01.2016 - 2137 просмотровДинамика посевных площадей мира, занятых льном-долгунцом.
Source: Generally, data provided by relevant countries’ official organizations (see also the country data). Those data are not marked. Another source of information is described below:
1/ Algemeen Belgisch Vlasverbond, Handelskaai 3/011, B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium, E-mail:, tel. +32 56 230610, +32 56 230612 (direct), fax +32 56 227930
2/ faostat Statistical Database Results 1997
3/ Mr. Jordi Petchamé Ballabriga, Administrateur, Olives, huile d’olive et plantes textiles, D.G. VI.C.4-Loi 130 7/126, European Commission, Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049, Bruxelles, Belgium
4/ Polish Chamber of Flax and Hemp, office at the Institute of Natural Fibres, Poznan, Poland, t.: +48-61 8 455 851, f.: +48 61 8 417 830,, data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
5/ 54ème Congrès CELC – Berlin, Réunion d'information Générale / Section commune Culture-Teillage
6/ CELC/MASTERS OF LINEN, 15, rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France, t.: +33(0)1 42 21 06 83, f.: +33(0)1 42 21 48 22, e-mail:
7/ Research Institute of Industrial Crops of Heilong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin, China, 150086, t:(86)0451-55261351, f.(86)451866 77431, E-mail:
8/Institute of Bast Crops of RSBC IANE NAAN, 45 Tereshchenkiv Street, 41400 Hlukhiv, Sumy Region, Ukraine, Ph./fax: +38 (05444) 2-21-35, E-mail:
9/ Prof. Dr. D. M. El-Hariri, The Network Representative in the Near East, NRC, Cairo, Egypt, e-mail:; acc. to Agricultural Economics Bulletins of the Central Administration for Agricultural Economics and Statistics of Egypt.
10/ Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland (basing on European Commission documents)
11/ Data of European Commission, DG AGRI of May 2008, Doc. No 9875/08
12/ Document of EC: AGRI.C.5
13/ data from LIA - The Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and Forest, Upyte Research Station, Lithuania, e-mail:
14/ Flax Research Institute(VNIIL), Torzhok, Russia, E-mail: –on the base of the official data from the Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture (
15/ Dr. Anatolij A. Lopatniuk, Institute for Agrarian Economy of the National Academy of the Republic of Belarus, Kazintsa st., 103, 220108 Minsk, Republic of Belarus,. T.: +375 (17) 21231 27, e-mail:
16/ Prof. Dr. Wang Yu Fu, Institute of Bast Fiber Crops (IBFC), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 348 Western Xianjiahu Road, Changsha City, Hunan Province, Postcode: 410205 CHINA, Tel: 0086 731 899 85 03, Fax: 0086 731 899 85 28, Mobile: 0086 13975 171 822, E-mail:
17/ Ministry of Agriculture P.R. China, Mr. Wang Xian Zhong
note: in all tables the mark n/a means data not available
18/ AGRITEC, Research, Breeding & Services, Zemedelska 16, 787 01 Šumperk, The Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 583 382 106, Fax +420 583 382 999, E-mail: